Villa La Pietra

When asking my friends who have studied at NYU Florence in past semesters about their time abroad, before even mentioning the classes, food, weather, or culture they all feel the need to tell me how amazing the campus is. Villa La Pietra is a villa located about a mile outside of Florence. The fifty-seven acre establishment was given to NYU in the 90s by its previous owner. Sir Harold Acton. The villa not only functions as classrooms for NYU’s academic programs but also houses an art collection and renaissance gardens.


Having only seen the pictures i’ve managed to scour off the internet and NYU’s website, I am beginning to get the feeling the campus that I will be spending the next four months is nothing less than a scene of a fairytale. I can not wait to see it in person in 20 short days!

Tanti Baci!


Study Abroad Resolutions


With the New Year’s recent passing, we have drifted into a time of resolutions for the new year: goals on what we hope to achieve in the coming year. Because a good portion of my 2015 will be spent in Italy I decided to make a list of my goals and resolutions for my time abroad.

>>Never say no to an opportunity to travel

>> Disregard the notion of “looking like a tourist”

>> Don’t shy away from local food, customs, and activities

>> Try wholeheartedly to attempt the Italian language

>> Realize my time in Italy for what it is: a once in a lifetime experience

For any of you that have studied abroad in the past, can you think of any I should add to my list?

